Farm3 France

This interview details Farm3, an indoor farming company based in France. The interview is with Emmanuelle Cravo, Business Development Manager of Farm3.

Source: Farm3

What is the origin story of Farm3?

Farm3 was created upon a memory from its founder and CEO, Romain Schmitt, a newly biologist that wanted to figure out why he couldn't find tomatoes that had the same taste as the ones grown by his grandfather no more.

There is no "one answer" to this problematic, but he finds that all answers lied in innovation : finding new ways to produce locally plant with amazing proprieties : we called them super plants (No GMO, only high control over growth parameters). For 4 years, Farm3 is dedicated to helping the agro, forest and wine industry by providing technological way to produce super plants designed by our phenotyping capabilities that are more prone to survive in harsh weather while maintaining yield and quality.

Source: Farm3


What are some of the biggest challenges facing Farm3 in the future?

Farm3's team has made the bet that they will only answer the challenges nobody wants to tackle. We are the only ones working on drought-tolerant vines, on in vitro multiplication of trees, on strawberries with a better yield. Our company is built and fed by agronomical challenges all over the world and we only hope our biggest challenges are yet to come as we thrive on them.

Source: Farm3


What is unique about Farm3 compared to competitors?

Farm3 doesn't have a "standard" machine that can grow any and every type of plant, because every challenge we address is unique to our client, so those the machine to answer it. First, we use our patented phenotyping technology to find ways to grow a super plant that will fit the need of their activity. 

Then we design a machine appropriate to grow this plant while optimizing every aspect of the growth, light, HVAC, plant spacing, etc. this custom build machine will grow their super plant in the needed yield in the most optimal way, ensuring the best energy efficiency and therefore, rentability. We are the only company using agronomic research to build a custom-made vertical farm, and that makes an essential difference in the market.

Source: Farm3

How do you measure the impact of Farm3 so far? (Revenue, Employees, Customer Quantity, Production Volume) etc.

Farm3 is a team of 14 engineer, from all over the world (Bresil to morocco) reunited over one purpose: having a positive impact. We are currently working with one of the biggest vineyards in France, the biggest fruit company and one of the biggest perfume companies on many problematic and have back orders coming in for phenotyping as well as for the super plant production unit. And with each client, a new tech is developed with 5 patents filed and more to come.

Source: Farm3


What have you learned that you wish you knew when you joined or started the company?

Technology purpose is to fill a gap in the market, not to be developed because we can, and then hope a market exists for it. Now that we design super plants only upon the request of our clients, we know the time and money spent on a project are actually answering a need and has value. We didn't expect that so many problematic needed solving in the agronomic sector, though...

Source: Farm3


How can people connect with you or learn more about Farm3?

First of all, any from the professional agri sector is more than welcome to come to France and visit our phenotyping facility. But for those too busy to plan this trip, whether you are an industrial, vineyard, plant nursery or urban farm entrepreneur, send us an email at to challenge us with agronomic issues or ask for a call with one our professional.

Source: Farm3

Our marketing team is amazing and so is their work, dedicated scientists and ecologists, they are writing blogs, white books, YouTube videos and even a comic book ! Not only to promote Farm3, but mainly to inform on the challenges this sector is facing and why acting is needed, please feel free to follow us on linkedin and subscribe to our newsletter.

Source: Farm3

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