Balance Grille Indoor Farm

This interview details Balance Grille Indoor Farm, an indoor farming company based in the United States. The interview is with Prakash Karamchandani, CEO / Co-Founder of Balance Grille Indoor Farm.

Source: Balance

What is the origin story of the Balance Grille Indoor Farm? 

As a restaurant group starting from a single location, we have always sought to source locally whenever possible. With one location it was possible to go to the farmers market, however, as we have grown in number of locations it was not possible to keep that method going. We tried CSA, purchase agreements, and other methods however ultimately we landed on opening our own indoor facility to produce some of our ingredient needs 365 days a year.

Source: Balance

What are some of the biggest challenges facing Balance Grille Indoor Farm in the future? 

Utility costs and scaling production to distributors have been the two largest challenges.

What is unique about Balance Grille Indoor Farm compared to competitors? 

We are USDA Gap 3.0+ Harmonized certified, the highest certification level offered for our type of facility. We grow in downtown Toledo ohio, in a completely transparent facility so our community can see our operation and how our products are grown! 

Source: Balance

Do you plan to expand your growing area from the 12,000 square feet? 

We are currently 8600 sq ft and do not plan to expand footprint, just density of grow equipment.

Do you use CO2 in your operation today -- if so, how much and what do you pay for it? What are your thoughts in CO2 usage in indoor farms? 

No, this is not a current consideration.

Source: Balance

Energy is a big topic in indoor farming right now. How much do you pay for electricity (kWh)? Is it mainly from the grid or renewables? 

This is our #1 expense, all from the grid. Would like to look at renewables such as solar. 

How can people connect with you or learn more about Balance Grille Indoor Farm? 

By visiting, sending us a DM on social media @balancefarms or email!

Source: Balance

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All Indoor Farming Company Interviews


May 16, 2024

This interview details Sapling, an indoor farming technology company based in the UK. The interview is with Manish Patel, Managing Director at Sapling Automation Ltd. To learn more about Sapling and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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May 16, 2024

This interview details FibreDust, a company based in the United States. The interview is with Andrew D Pidgeon, Director of Marketing at FibreDust. To learn more about FibreDust and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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May 20, 2024

This interview details Tindle, a company based in the United States. The interview is with Andre Menezes, Co-Founder of Tindle. To learn more about Tindle and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Wageningen Economic Research

May 16, 2024

This interview details Wageningen Economic Research, a social-economic research institute based in the Netherlands. The interview is with Coert Bregman, Horticulture Researcher at Wageningen Economic Research. To learn more about Wageningen Economic Research and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Independent Living Base

May 16, 2024

This interview details Independent Living Base, an indoor farming technology company based in France. The interview is with Pascal Benveniste, President of Independent Living Base. To learn more about Independent Living Base and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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CHAP Solutions

May 16, 2024

This interview details CHAP, a company based in the UK. The interview is with Fraser Black, CEO of CHAP. To learn more about CHAP and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Maia Farms

May 9, 2024

This interview details Maia Farms, an indoor farming company based in Canada. The interview is with Gavin Schneider, CEO & Co-Founder of Maia Farms. To learn more about Maia Farms and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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May 22, 2024

This interview details CIOPORA, a global association dedicate to promote plant breeders’ innovation and protection. The interview is with Andrés Velásquez, Director PR and Communications at CIOPORA. To learn more about CIOPORA and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Purdue University

May 6, 2024

The interview is with Cary Mitchell, Professor Horticulture at Purdue University. To learn more about Purdue University and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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May 6, 2024

This interview details VoltServer, a company based in the United States. The interview is with James Eaves, Ph.D., Indoor Agriculture Director at VoltServer. To learn more about VoltServer and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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